The Tower - Camp Adventure


Photo: SydkystDanmark

With the innovation project TourismX, Wonderful Copenhagen aim to develop new products and solutions to challenges and create innovation within the tourism industry.

Knowledge sharing, inspiration and sparring.

This is the recipe to strengthen innovation in Danish tourism. In cooperation with a group of partners, Wonderful Copenhagen have created the framework for the tourism of the future by giving businesses the opportunity to realise their ideas for growth. With TourismX businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups receive sparring, counselling and help to realise their ideas.

Photo: Wonderful Copenhagen

TourismX Toolbox

Gå på opdagelse i brugbare værktøjer, relevant viden, eksempler på best practice og inspirerende artikler om, hvordan du kan realisere din idé til glæde for branchen og kommende turister.

More than 40 businesses have tested and developed their business ideas through TourismX.

Learnings from TourismX are being assembled in a toolbox with articles, best practices and other tools that can inspire others in the Danish tourism industry who have a need or interest to develop a new product or service to their business.




TourismX is a national project, which is conducted in collaboration between Dansk Kyst og Naturturisme and Wonderful Copenhagen.



Aalborg University, Roskilde University and University of Southern Denmark participate in the project as knowledge partners.



The project has an overall budget of 20 million kroner co-financed by the EU, the five Danish regions and private partners.

Related Content

The TourismX participants from the Capital Region and Zealand.

Jakob Christian Ipland

Head of Projects & Innovation
