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IBTM World 2021 - the Copenhagen media kit

IBTM World 2021 - the Copenhagen media kit

Author: Anne Marie Barsøe
Photo: Christian Alsing

Going or not to IBTM World 2021 in Barcelona, here's your copy of the Copenhagen media kit with the complete overview of what moves within the city and the Copenhagen meetings industry.

Get an overview of the latest industry news out of Copenhagen in the collection of recent stories right here 

or visit us on the Danish stand (G65) at IBTM World 2021 or email Anne Marie on

Copenhagen image & video materials are available here (terms & conditions apply)

Follow Copenhagen CVB on Twitter @copenhagencvb and LinkedIn.

#Copenhagen #eventprofs #IBTMWorld2021

Anne Marie Barsøe AMB

Senior Manager – International Press & Communication