Countdown to ESTRO 2022 in Copenhagen has begun
The European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO)'s congress in Copenhagen in 2022 will be a precedent worth noting for how to create more tactical and lasting impacts and legacies at future events.
It was an ambitious two-stringed engagement project, a strong national host group, and an attractive host city, that became the three determining factors for The European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) choosing Copenhagen for its annual meeting in 2022 themed 'Learning from every patient'. And there is much to look forward to.
Its pioneering engagement project, for one, is based on the topic ‘Improved cancer outcome through collaboration’ and will focus on two areas; Showcasing and translating Danish experiences and expertise to ESTRO members before, during, and after the congress via projects and events, as well as using the event as a catalyst to improve radiotherapy in Denmark and the rest of Europe.
On the decision to stage the next congress in Copenhagen and the expected outcome of ESTRO 2022, Alessandro Cortese, CEO of ESTRO’s Executive Council, comments:
“When planning a congress, besides excellent scientific content, and networking opportunities for the attendees, ESTRO also looks at the event as a catalyser to create the conditions for all patients in need to access the best possible treatment. We share this objective with our partners in Denmark, as the ultimate beneficiaries of the achievements of the congress are the citizens of the city and the country that hosts ESTRO’s scientific community.”
ESTRO and the national radiotherapy research centre under the Danish Comprehensive Cancer Centre, DCCC Radiotherapy, have collaborated fruitfully for many years. Hence, the DCCC Radiotherapy was a natural key player in securing the congress to Copenhagen and in deciding its focus areas as well as its strong engagement and legacy elements.
About knowledge sharing and creating both short- and long-term impact through engagement activities, Jesper Grau Eriksen, Professor, PhD., and Chief Physician at the Department of Oncol-ogy at Aarhus University Hospital, explains:
“Hosting ESTRO 2022 in Denmark is an important driver and occasion for increasing collaboration between Danish researchers and clinicians and the rest of the World. The Danes have a long-standing tradition for working together in both multidisciplinary groups and within radiotherapy alone in the national DCCC-RT collaboration. However, for really driving cancer care and treatment further, strong international collaboration and knowledge-sharing is crucial and ESTRO 2022 an important platform for encouraging this.”
As for the key strengths and pioneering focus areas of popular congress city Copenhagen, Bettina Reventlow-Mourier, Deputy Convention Director at Wonderful Copenhagen CVB, says:
“We look very much forward to welcoming ESTRO 2022 to Copenhagen next Spring and to be part of an event, that not only takes advantage of our great infrastructure, safe city efforts and great and state-of the-art venues, but also seeks to integrate its international audience with the local public, business and science communities.”
“It is our shared ambition, that ESTRO will showcase how it is possible to facilitate and further develop untapped potential in e.g., science areas through tactical impact activities, and to create and capture new value for all stakeholders involved in the short term, whilst also delivering positive impact for the community in the long term,” Mrs. Reventlow-Mourier adds.
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- ESTRO 2022 will last for five days (6-10 May 2022) at the Bella Center Copenhagen and attract an estimated 6.000 participants.
- Several events, meetings and symposia will be held throughout Denmark, both supporting and leading up the congress.
- The Danish ESTRO congress application comprised both an engagement/legacy project and a functional bidding round. The conceptual basis for the firstmentioned was jointly created by DCCC Radiation Therapy, Wonderful Copenhagen CVB, VisitAarhus CVB, and Bella Center Copenhagen.
- Congress destination Copenhagen is well-known for its strategic approach to legacy work and focus on creating long-lasting and sustainable business events solutions.
- In 2020, the Copenhagen CVB launched the Copenhagen Legacy Lab, followed by the introduction of a brand new Copenhagen Sustainability Guide in 2021. Both initiatives headed by Copenhagen CVB offer organizers, planners, and other local and global stakeholders, advice and assistance on how to increase focus on creating positive and lasting impacts for society before, during and after staging business events.
For more on ESTRO 2022 in Copenhagen click here
More on ESTRO’s 2030 vision is available here
Further details about The Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center, DCCC Radiotherapy is available right here
More on congress destination Copenhagen is available at CopenhagenCVB.com
For more industry news out of Copenhagen click here
Your media contact is: Mrs. Anne Marie Barsøe, Manager - Press & PR for Wonderful Copenhagen CVB, amb@woco.dk / (+45) 61410919.
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