Cultigen Project
Cultigen Copenhagen Cover

Photo:Wonderful Copenhagen

What is the CULTIGEN project about?

The CULTIGEN project aims to develop sustainable strategies to manage tourism flows, prevent overtourism, and align residents’ needs with visitors’ expectations.

By involving both Copenhagen residents and tourists, the project seeks to build a collaborative, inclusive, and sustainable model for tourism management.

CULTIGEN is an Innovative Actions project under the European Urban Initiative, running from December 2024 to May 2028 with a total budget of 35 million kroner.

CULTIGEN is led by the City of Copenhagen (Tourism, Internationalization, and Cultural Industries) and is realized in collaboration with Aalborg University, the National Museum, Storyhunt, Wonderful Copenhagen, and We Do Democracy.


CULture, TourIsm, reGENeration

through innovative digital solutions and governance platforms

Partners in CULTIGEN

Aalborg Universitet AAU


The National Museum of Denmark logo


We Do Democracy logo

Wonderful Copenhagen

Co-funded by the European Union
Adam Engel AEN
For more information, please contact:

Head of Greater CPH & Civic Engagement