Awards & Accolades for Denmark
Home to the worlds most happiest people and the least corrupt country in the world. These are just some of the titles and awards that Denmark has received the last few years.
Conferences, events & business
2020 - Denmark is the 3rd most digital country in the EU (Digital Economy and Society Index)
2020 - Denmark ranks 2nd on the IMD World Competitive Rankings 2020
2020 - Denmark is the world's least corrupt nation in 2019
2019 - Denmark is 9th best in global AI ready governments index
2019 - Denmark is the 4th most digital country in Europe
2019 - Danish business culture is ranked the easiest in the world
2019 - Denmark is the world's least corrupt nation in 2018
2018 - Denmark has the world’s flattest work hierarchy
2018 - Denmark ranks 10th in the world among the most competitive nations
2017 - Denmark is the second most innovative country in the EU (European Innovation Scoreboard)
2017 - Denmark tops Global Cleantech Innovation Index 2017
2017 - Denmark is the world's 7th most competitive country (IMD World Competitiveness Ranking)
2017 - Denmark is the most digital country in the EU (Digital Economy and Society Index)
2017 - Denmark is the least corrupt country in the world (Corruption Perception Index 2016)
2016 - Denmark is the 6th best country for business (Forbes)
2016 - Denmark is the easiest country for business in Europe and 3rd worldwide (Doing Business, World Bank)
2016 - Denmark ranks fourth of 152 countries in innovation index (Indigo Index)
2016 - Denmark is the 2nd strongest engineering nation in the world (Engineering Index, CEBR)
2016 - Denmark is no. 2 in European Innovation Scoreboard
2016 - Denmark is no. 8 in Global Innovation Index (GII by Cornell University, INSEAD & WIPO)
2016 - Denmark has the 2nd most competitive economy in the EU (World Competitiveness Index by IMD)
2016 - Denmark’s biotech sector is no. 2 in the world (Scientific American Worldview 2015 Scorecard)
2016 - Denmark is the most digital country in the EU (Digital Economy and Society Index 2016)
2016 - Denmark once again tops Forbes' Best Countries for Business list (Forbes)
Lifestyle, livability & design
2023 - Denmark tops the Corruption Perceptions Index 2023
2022 - Denmark is no. 1 in World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2022 by IMD
2022 - Denmark has topped Transparency Internationals Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)
2021 - Denmark ranks 3rd on the Quality of Life Index
2021 - Denmark ranks 2nd on The World Happiness Report
2020 - Denmark ranks 1st on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020
2020 - Denmark ranks 1st. on the WJP Rule of Law Index
2020 - Danes are the 2nd best non-native English-speakers in the world (EF English Proficiency Index)
2019 - Denmark is third most innovative in Europe
2019 - Denmark has second-best digital quality of life in EU
2018 - Denmark tops world's index of rule of law 2018
2017 - Denmark ranked first on Social Progress Index
2016 - Danes are the 2nd best non-native English-speakers in the world (EF English Proficiency Index)
2016 - Denmark has the world’s highest worker happiness (Universum, GWH Index 2016)
2016 - Denmark ranked world's second most peaceful country (Global Peace Index 2016)
2016 - Danes are the happiest people in the world
2016 - Denmark named world’s best country for women (2016 Best Countries)
Climate & sustainability
2021 - Denmark ranks 2nd on The Green Future Index
2021 - Denmark ranks no. 6 on the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)
2020 - Denmark ranks no. 1 on the Environmental Performance index
2019 - Denmark is world champion in UN sustainable development goals
2017 - Denmark is the 12th best country in the world (US News)
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We’re here to help, whatever stage of planning you’re at, and it doesn’t cost an øre (that’s Danish for penny). Email us at cvb@woco.dk or look for the right person on our contacts page.

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