New Legacy Insights for Associations and Host Communities
MeetDenmark and the Danish Congress destinations are happy to share new learnings and insights based on six years of research and testing on international congresses held in Denmark. The new report focuses among other things on the intervention process, measuring impact and resourcing
With this third MeetDenmark legacy report we summarize the learnings and insights that we have collected through the last six years in Denmark.
In our opinion legacy is becoming increasingly important. For both associations, delegates and host destinations. The Covid pandemic has left a lasting impact and coupled against a backdrop of the growing focus on sustainability there is going to be a laser focus on the value of in-person meetings and their role. The value should be higher than the cost, the time spent and the negative impact on the climate and environment.
Legacy can be an important element in growing the value. But creating Legacy demands investment (mostly time) - and it is not easy. But at the same time, it is not rocket science and it can be done with different levels of ambition.
And Legacy intervention makes a difference. In every case of legacy intervention undertaken for this study, it was demonstrated that engaging stakeholders in strategic legacy planning added value. Bids were strengthened, new stakeholders met and collaborated, new value adding activities were identified and measurement processes established. And in some cases, common legacy goals continue to be pursued independently of or after the events.
A few basic learnings of the many presented in the report are:
- Too late is too little.
- Too many stakeholders involved early on can derail the legacy development process.
- Succes depends on the level and continuity of leadership, particularly by the local host.
- High alignment and engagement with local host and organizer yields greater impact.
Many more learnings and insights can be found in the four main chapters about: The intervention, Funding and Resources, Legacy Measurement and Legacy Process & Tools.
The MeetDenmark legacy research has been done together with Aalborg Convention Bureau, Aarhus Convention Bureau, Destination Fyn Convention Bureau and Copenhagen Convention Bureau.
The legacy research has been supported by The Danish Board of Business Development and The Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs. The research has been done in collaboration with the international consultancy Gaining Edge.
Read the first article "Insights From 6 Years of Event Legacy Research in Denmark" from SKIFT here
Read the second article "Event Legacies: Two Case Studies Reveal Path to Success" from SKIFT here
Get your copy of the report below: