Overview: The MeetDenmark Legacy Studies
Since 2017 MeetDenmark has conducted three mayor projects on outreach and legacy. The purpose has been to identify how Danish destinations can create significant added value for visiting congresses while also increasing the value for Danish society beyond the traditional economic benefit.
To succeed with the Danish vision of creating a powerful nexus between association and community goals the first project took a closer look at the international outreach and legacy landscape and practices. The project involved desk research on 50 international associations and 50 destinations as well as interviews. The report maps i.a. the values and whishes of both associations and destinations and where they can find common ground.
The second report looks more in detail on how associations and destinations can create greater meeting legacies. What are the actual steps involved? The report contains a number of tools aimed at helping in the step-by-step planning of the legacy process. Besides the planning and organizing of outreach activities, the report explores how destinations can choose which congresses to spend their limited resources on in relation to legacy and how to create a legacy ecosystem and a common understanding of legacy and its potential in the destination.
The third report is based on the newest learnings from 9 international congresses held in Denmark. The report summarizes the learnings and insights from the work done on legacy in the past six years in Denmark.
Download the MeetDenmark legacy reports here:
Download the MeetDenmark legacy reports here:

MeetDenmark – Outreach and Legacy Report (#1)

Meeting Legacies – Innovating for Enhanced Value Creation (#2)