Cykler og park

Media inquiries

Photo: Maria Sattrup

Wonderful Copenhagen’s PR team is happy to assist with story ideas, interviews and general information about Copenhagen for your press news and features on the city.

Media support & contact

In some cases, we are able to cover part of the ground handling for media coming to Copenhagen to produce stories about the city and the Greater Copenhagen region. 

With a limited budget to work with each year, we are not able to support every press visit and the level of support may vary from visit to visit. Thus, when choosing which media to cooperate with, and to what extent, we make an overall assessment based on the criteria in our PR strategy.

PR strategy

  • A broad geographical spread: Stories that go beyond Copenhagen’s inner city and focus on the city’s other neighbourhoods and Greater Copenhagen.
  • Shoulder seasons: Stories and press trips with a focus outside of peak seasons. 
  • Our core themes: Stories that promote our core themes: green liveability, gastronomy, art & design, modern architecture, history & monarchy.
  • Relevant media: Both large and niche media outlets are relevant to us if they deliver reliable, high-quality content that is aligned with and aimed at relevant target audiences.     

If you are seeking some form of assistance or support from Wonderful Copenhagen, we ask that you fill out our Media Request Form.

We strive to respond to all media requests, but because of limited resources, we may not be able to respond to queries that do not meet one or more of the criteria described above.

For all other media-related inquiries, please send an email to

* Consent: In the visit form we collect personal data to be able to assess your media inquiry. By submitting your data in the online form, you agree to this condition. Read more about our privacy policy here.

Giuseppe Liverino

Senior Manager – Press & PR