Øens Have

Urban farms in Greater Copenhagen

Photo: Giuseppe Liverino

The urban farms have spread through the districts of Copenhagen at record speed growing vegetables and some serving food, where the locally grown produce can be enjoyed. 

Copenhagen's urban farming

Read more about the urban farming projects taking place in the Danish capital below.

Bella Byhave

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Bella Byhave is a voluntary-based urban garden community in the neighbourhood of Ørestad. Here you can help practice your green fingers together with other local hobby gardeners, growing anything from flowers to different herbs and vegetables. As a member of the urban garden, you get a small tasty supplement to your cooking with harvested seasonal produce from the garden every once in a while. Nevertheless, Bella Byhave also helps strengthen the social life and the neighbourhood community.


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Bioteket is a volunteer-based green culture hub for sustainability, where science, culture, and green activism flourish together. Established in 2016, Bioteket is a hidden gem in Nørrebro. It is made of upcycled and refurbished shipping containers on two levels: a workshop, laboratory, and growing space for mushrooms on the ground level, and a greenhouse that accommodates the growth of plants, fish, insects as well as many social events with a focus on sustainability on the first floor. Bioteket also has an open garden at GRO SELV, another hidden gem in Nordvest which counts several community gardens spread along the train rails in Lersøparken next to Bispebjerg train station. It is a open community for young people who wishes to experiment with sustainability and make it a larger part of life in Copenhagen.


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Since 1906, Birkemosegaard has been owned by the same family for 4 generations. It is a biodynamic and organic grown farm and has since 1985 supplied organic and biodynamic goods to customers in Copenhagen. Their so-called “Thursday boxes” have become particularly popular and can be picked up by locals at different pick up locations in Copenhagen as the farm is located far from the city on Sjællands Odde. The boxes are always filled with the season’s freshest ingredients, all organic or biodynamic, of course. This way, Copenhageners have easy and direct access to some of the best ingredients from the Danish countryside.

Byhaven 2200

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Byhaven 2000 is a community garden located in a public park at the corner of Hørsholmsgade and Stefansgade in the city district of Nørrebro. The Municipality of Copenhagen owns the area in which the garden is, and, therefore, keep supervision on how the garden is used, but the work done in the urban garden is entirely based on volunteers, looking after the plants and goats that live there.


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Grantoftegaard is a peri-urban organic farm and an eco-social farm located in Ballerup. The farm has kitchen garden plots, and organic vegetable gardens both planted in open-air and in an unheated greenhouse. All plants are from seeds either sown directly in the field or germinated in the greenhouse and comprise around 50 different kinds of vegetables and herbs per season. The rest of the land area is allocated to the farm's 100 cows and 700 sheep, which can also be visited in the stables. At Grantoftegaarden, they also handle a large area of land in total 800 hecares of which 65% is used to grow different types of grain, clover and grass. Seasonal and local produce from the gardens are sold at the farm shop in which visitors can buy freshly harvested ingredients to take home.

Impact Farm Nørrebro

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Impact Farm Nørrebro is a transportable 2-storey container made into an urban farm and kitchen in Nørrebro, growing different herbs and vegetables for the local community. At the same time it is also thought to be a great gathering point for locals interested in gardening as well as a place that creates green jobs. At the farm, they, therefore, work for sustainable development and local value creation.




Krogerup Avlsgaard

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In Humlebæk, 10km from Elsinore, Krogerup Avlsgaard run an organic farm with 120 hectares of organic plant breeding and versatile horticulture, including a taste field, where they handle a diverse vegetable production for testing as well as for the farm's kitchen and farm shop. They also have “Fælleshaverne” which is a large community garden where you get access to organic and ready-to-cultivate land, a large selection of organic seeds, your own solo garden and a community with the possibility of cultivation and harvesting in the shared gardens.


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MULD is a small organic and self-sufficient farm with a dining room, where they organise gatherings in the rural countryside right outside of Copenhagen. Mulddamgaarden, short name MULD (Soil in Danish) is a small speciality farm with one mission: ‘Shortcutting the way from farm to fork’ . MULD grows as many different crops as they can and keep various animals, in order to get as many ingredients for good food as possible, all year round. MULD does not serve meat, vegetables, fruit, berries, herbs, honey or eggs that have not been grown or bred at its own premises.

Nabo farm

Nabo Farm

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Nabo Farm is an urban farm run on sustainable principles. The production takes place in an old auto workshop in Nordvest, where many different microgreen herbs are grown. They employ hydroponic agriculture and vertical farming to produce their crops, storing microgreens on different levels, making it possible to grow large amounts of greens within a small area. One of the advantages of this type of farming is that the system doesn't require large amounts of water despite being the plants' primary source of nutrition. By keeping the water enclosed in the system, the water can continue to be recycled. After harvest, the product is delivered within 2 hours directly by bicycle to mainly local restaurants and canteens, meaning that neither taste nor nutritional value is lost. With Nabo Farm, the founders wish to contribute to making the food production industry more sustainable and climate-friendly. 


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Nabohaven is a user-driven urban garden in the Sundholm quarter on Amager, where local residents and gardening-loving people in the area can grow vegetables, plant flowers, play, barbecue and simply have a great time together. What comes up from the ground is to be shared, and everyone is welcome to join and contribute with new plants and vegetables to the garden every year. Every Monday between 2-5 pm, several of Nabohaven's regular volunteers meet, making it the perfect time to drop by if any questions or good ideas should arise.


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Rabarbergaarden is an organic and holistic farm, with agriculture, a market garden, farm restaurant, farm shop and organic nursery. The owners also offer gardening classes aiming to strengthen peoples knowledge about anything related to gardening. At Rabarbergaarden, focus is on a world where food production is in balance with earth and nature. They thus work for small-scale farmers' opportunities to feed their community and create local jobs, thereby creating sustainable and vibrant communities throughout Denmark.

Øens Have
Giuseppe Liverino

Øens Have

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Øens Have is located in the former industrial district of Refshaleøen and is a green, vibrant area of urban farming in the centre of the city, where local produce based on a diverse variety of plants, herbs and vegetables is grown. The motivating force behind Øens Have is to create urban farming that inspire and encourage more green and sustainable living and a place that increases the synergy between nature, agriculture, and the city. Therefore, the aim is to have many locals grow their own vegetables at Øens Have and to create a community where both locals and travellers are able to enjoy the locally sourced food in the restaurant at Øens Have and purchase local produce from the farmer’s shop. Øens Have, for example, hosts a volunteer every Tuesday from 9 to 17 with a free communal dining lunch. Here everyone can come and help with maintaining the farm.

Giuseppe Liverino


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On top of a former car park, lies Denmark’s first rooftop farm, ØsterGRO. ØsterGRO was started by three fiery souls in 2014. Today, two of the founders, Livia and Kristian, have teamed up with a handful of people to run the farm and its eatery, Gro Spiseri as the 600 m2 are covered with fields of organic vegetables, fruits, greens, herbs and edible flowers, a greenhouse, henhouse and three beehives. ØsterGRO is organized as community-supported agriculture and sells its produce, in cooperation with the farms Seerupgaard and Stensbølgård to 40 members. The members pay in advance for half a harvest season for a weekly share of the harvest. Though it’s hidden well above ground, the place is well-visited by people that want to experience the farm’s special atmosphere and enjoy a good, organic dinner at Gro Spiseri.

Urban farms in Greater Copenhagen - press photos

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Giuseppe Liverino

Senior Manager – Press & PR
