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The MeetDenmark Legacy Project (2019-2022)

Photo: Wonderful Copenhagen

MeetDenmark wants to further strengthen the positive impacts of congresses for both the international associations and the local host communities by creating a broader and deeper interaction between the visiting congress delegates and local stakeholders.

From 2019-2022, MeetDenmark and its member destinations are testing outreach and legacy initiatives on 10 specific case-congresses. MeetDenmark is going to gather methodological learnings as well as measure ‘meeting outcomes’ and ‘legacy impacts’. The learnings from the outreach-cases are going to be analysed and combined to further develop the joint Danish Outreach program.

The Legacy project is supported by the Danish Government through The Danish Executive Board for Business Development and Growth.

NREL Scientist
Overview: The MeetDenmark Legacy Studies
MeetDenmark's Strategy